Saturday, December 28, 2013

A very special birhday

Day 1073 - I drove with my daughter today to my aunt and uncle's 80th birthday. It was a very special event with all the family branches, some people I didn't see in many years. It was so nice to see the three generations, to hear the stories and to bask in the warmth and love all around. When we meet people we know one side of who they are but every person is so complicate and has so many facets and an event like today introduced to me a facet of them I knew existed but nothing more. I saw them as grandparents, all their grandchildren telling stories about them and it was so much fun. Few precious hours carved out of our hurried daily life to pay tribute to wonderful people who happened to be so close and so dear to me. My aunt is very sick and we were all worried she wont make it to this day and I am so happy she did. I hope she still has many years in her.
I am thankful for a wonderful birthday party. I am thankful to be part of this wonderful family. I am thankful for all the love and warmth we experienced today. I am thankful I live here and get to enjoy this kinds of event, to reconnect with my family after so many years.

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