Monday, December 30, 2013

The death of a parent

Day 1075 - my boyfriend's mom passed away today. He spent the morning in the hospital with her while i kept the store open and told me that it seems like its the end. He came back and just as I was getting ready to leave he was called back and this was it. The death of a parent is a very difficult one, its an end of an era, the end of so many things, good and bad that stayed open for years. It's the end of the year so obviously we talk a lot about death as a symbol of letting go of our past ghosts and making room for the new year, for new beginnings. How symbolic it is that she died a day before the end of the year. It is sad, even if she was lid and sick and is better off now that she doesn't suffer any more. In our culture where death is almost a taboo it is a very difficult event.
I am thankful I was able to conscience my partner to go this morning to the hospital even if I had to miss work. I am thankful I was there when he needed me. I am thankful I still experience this ever as a second hand, but I know it's only time before I'll be called too.

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