Wednesday, December 4, 2013


Day 1049 - you have to make so many decisions as you start a new business. And it's not easy. Decisions about products and suppliers. Decisions about advertising and signage and website. Decisions, decisions, decisions... I am glad I can do that, I am glad I don't shy of decisions. But it sure takes a lot. Sometimes also heated arguments before it is done. But so far the end results are all good and satisfying. I sure hope it will stay this way. Today was no different as we are still struggling with the signage and cannot find yet what we are looking for. But I think it is better this way than to regret the final product later.
I am thankful I have a partner who stands his ground and makes me look again at things I rushed through or overlooked. I am thankful we both don't shy of decisions. I am thankful for every good one we made so far and for all those still awaiting us; it's what gives the color and taste to our daily life.

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