Sunday, December 29, 2013

The right perspective

Day 1074 - a day that comes to an end. It seems that the people who wanted to rent the house backed off. It seems that the website designers are determined to do it their way instead of mine and its a constant fight for changes. It seems that this thig brings more fights at home then I care to admit. It seems that our store is still a big unknown and the winter for sure does not help. A day that comes to an end and I sure am glad about that. But I have to always remember that I still breath and so I have a chance for a better tomorrow. I can go to sleep in a warm bed in a cold night as tonight and my house doesn't even leak so I can stay dry as well. So many reasons to brbthankful. This is the purpose of this blog to remind myself even when the going gets rough that I have so much good in my life; that I have so many reasons to be thankful.
I am thankful for all the goodness in my life. I am thankful for days lie today since they make all other days look so much better. I am thankful for this blog; it keeps me grounded and puts everything in perspective.

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