Saturday, December 7, 2013

Rainy Saturday

Day 1052 - it was a cold and rainy day. The perfect day to stay home eat hot soup and enjoy the fact it is Saturday and we don't have to go out. A perfect timing for a much needed rest. The truth is that I think of the store all the time and I either plan or do things that have to do with the store, but still it is in a much more relaxed way. Waking up late, eating normal food and staying in my PJ's all day long. And through this all I still managed to get a lot done and we are a step closer to our website. 

I am thankful for this much needed rest. I am thankful I don't work on Saturday so I had time to do what I need for the store. I am thankful for the good food, and most of all for the company. I am thankful for this rainy Saturday.   

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