Friday, December 13, 2013

Winter storm

Day 1058 - a severe winter storm all over the country with very heavy rains, floods and even snow in unexpected places. Even here, at sea level it's freezing cold. The AC is working at full blast for hours already but I am wearing a sweater and covered in fleece blanket to keep myself warm. A real winter storm; a rare occasion in a very hot country like ours. So I can either complain, as expected, or own the moment and enjoy this very special thing. And all this water is good for the crops, for the national water reserves, and for my garden that I tried in vain to grow and might see it happening now. And I am at home, dry and cosy under my little blanket, well fed and ready to go to sleep soon so,really, so many reasons to be thankful.
I am thankful for the here and now, for my present moment, for shelter, and warmth, for dryness and windless place. For. The food on my table ( actually, by now it's in my stomach). For these blessed rains, for all that I am thankful tonight.

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