Friday, December 20, 2013

Elevator pitch

Day 1065 - I had time at the store this morning to read a little about promoting our business and one of the things they strongly talked about is sharpening my elevator pitch. This goes well with the fact we joined a networking group that meets once a week and we have to use that pitch there as well since we have one minute to present our business. So I read several articles and saw few YouTube videos and I think I got some ideas. Now I have until next Wednesday to shape it up and bring it to a place I can present it. I know this is really important, beside other ideas of course, but it is crucial to be able to present our case in a way that people will want to hear more.  and be intrigued to visit.
I am thankful I had time this morning to read and get some interesting ideas. I am thankful to all the people who put so much free stuff on the internet as a service to others. I am thankful for every little step I am taking in the right direction. I am thankful it is Friday, a short day and a rest day tomorrow.

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