Sunday, June 17, 2012

Back To My Blessed Routine

Day 516 This morning my daughter was released from the hospital. After 37 hours at the ER we were both exhausted so we slept for a few hours and at the evening, after the second round of very strong antibiotics she was feeling good enough to have a 2 hours outing. Not anything crazy, but it is a big step; yesterday I had to wheel her around in a wheel chair, she was too weak to walk more than a few steps at a time. We are still taking it very slowly and she got few days off before having to go back to her unit, so she can hopefully get better and strong enough. But as always, when life taking a bad turn we learn to appreciate so much more the little things that are the scaffolds of our life, the routine that is beneath it all and give all the delicate fabric of life its full strength. Our routine, our daily activities that we are never thankful for them again, this is what we crave the most when in the midst of chaos. Just an hour at home doing nothing, or cooking or taking a shower. We are both so happy to be back to all these wonderful things that make our lives the wonderful thing they are.
I am thankful to be back home. I am thankful for two loads of clothes I got to wash and hang to dry. I am thankful for food shopping I did today, for home cooked food. I am thankful for being able to sleep in my bed this morning, to be able to sleep in any bed after two days in a hospital chair near my daughter’s bed. I am thankful for a long shower, for clean clothes. I am thankful to be back to my wonderfully simple routine; I missed it so much.

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