Thursday, June 7, 2012

Reflecting On The Past week

Day 506I came back today and I was more tired than I ever was. I felt like I might fall asleep while walking. So I went to sleep for a few hours and I feel like myself again. Now I can finally declare that our task is done. I have a moment to sit back and relax; sit back and reflect. So what do I take from this? I learned that I function very well in high stress situation. That I can keep many small details in my head, many balls in the air and not drop any. I learn that it’s something I like doing and I am doing it very well; that as much as I think I am not organized enough I just know what to do. And I also learned that even though I love the action I am not going to become addicted to adrenaline. I want more in my life than just work. I want to be able to be with my friends, to have time for my hobbies and just have time to kick back and relax. I am not and will not be a woman that all she does is work, even if it is a hell of a job she does. I also learned that I love being a tour guide. It has the right amount of people interaction and problems solving and you get to be on the road and outdoors and not stuck in an office. I feel more alive and happy in a bus on our way somewhere than in a cubicle in front of a computer. I am a people’s and an outdoors’ person. So somewhere in the future, this is what I want to do.
I am thankful I went on this tour; it taught me so much about myself. I am thankful I am back home. I am thankful for the opportunities I have opened, for the career I chose, and hopefully will be able to pursue. I am thankful to get my life back after very hectic two months.  

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