Sunday, January 12, 2014

Baby Steps

Day 1088 - I keep running in circles, not having enough hours in the day to do all I have to do, but today I came to a realization that this is not going to change and what I have to do is change my attitude. I am not going to run after the impossible but set small and more realistic goals that I can actually achieve. So I am not going to look at the website and think of the hundreds of articles I have to post but only set a goal of writing about 5 today and when I am done I can do something else. So I did that and now I feel all happy since I finished my quota instead of looking at it and think what a monumental job it is. Small bites that I can swallow and not choke on them is the way to go, baby steps. And by doing only 5 a day I will finish it in a few weeks but the quality will be better and I will not collapse at the finish line. I did my work for today and I can put it down, take a shower and read a book - what a thought!!
I am thankful for the idea, not new, but too easy to forget, to take it slowly. I am thankful for the amount of work I did today and ready for tomorrow. I am thankful for a relaxed evening.

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