Wednesday, January 1, 2014

For every door that closes...

Day 1077 - the first day of the new year started with a funeral. I sure hope it will be the lady one this year for our family. But as the saying goes for every door that closes a window might be opening. And this is how we should look at it. What are the new things that might open, what can we let go and burry behind us, how can our lives be better for it? A death is always an oportunity for a new beginning? What can we do differently this year so at the end we will be so much happier and more fulfilled. How symbolic to start a new year with a funeral...
I am thankful this ordeal is finally over; it took so much out if my partner, much more than we cared to admit. I am thankful he is free now to choose his path without the constant consideration of how it will effect or whether he will be called in the middle. I am thankful the grieving and the healing process can begin.

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