Thursday, August 15, 2013

A messy office no more

Day 938 - Trying to put some order into the mess I usually have around me. I was just getting out of control. So I bought a new binder dividers and started to sort through the papers strewn all over my office and put them into the right place in the binder or in the recycling bin. an hour later my office is not completely organized but the mess is significantly reduced and the binder is full as well as the recycling bin. And I feel so much better for doing that. It's funny, you'd think that someone who is so messy just like that, but the truth is I love when all is nice and neat and organized I am just clueless about how to keep it that way. Not true, I know how to do that, just put each paper right into the folder or to recycling instead of putting it in the growing pile on my desk. But for some reason at the moment it looks like a good idea but later... Maybe I should make a new rule - I touch a paper only once and take care of it right away. Pay and file if it's a bill, or just file or do throw away if it's anything else, in short just do it. What happens with my current system is that it's so much more work for me and frustration also about the mess. Can I be that kind to myself and make a resolution to "just do it right", to not create so much extra work for no apparent reason? I sure have to try, life is too precious to waist them on unnecessary work. At least today I enjoy this clean desk of mine and the bed with no clothes to fold; a nice office for a change. 
I am thankful for the great idea to take care of the mess. I am thankful my office looks so nice and neat tonight. I am thankful for the new resolution to try to keep it this way and I'll do my best to adhere to that.  

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