Thursday, August 8, 2013

A very special call

Day 931 - I had a long talk today with my son. It doesn't happen very often. He is a guy after all and seldom remembers the things or people that are not around him. I don't blame, this is just a statement; I know him and I love him just as he is. This evening I called him and he was busy but called me about an hour later and we had some quality time together, talking away. He told me about his life at the moment, the new job the bumps in his relationship in short a talk we didn't have for quite some time. He was in his little car, driving for the next 24 or 36 hours, bringing his car and his belongings back to his dad's house, where he'll reside until further notice; until he'll decide how and what does he want. I am glad we can do it every once in a while actually talk and not only exchange pleasantries.

I am thankful for my son's phone call; for time we could spent talking. I am thankful for having three wonderful children. I am thankful my youngest daughter is back here after almost two weeks away with her dad. I am thankful I can go to sleep now, I'm literally falling asleep.

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