Friday, August 16, 2013

Venturing out

Day 939 - Friday, a quiet and slow day after a very intense week. I just ran errands and then came back home and was lazy. I read, did some searches on the internet for some things I am looking for and spend some time with my daughter, who is now finally back home. This morning was the first time since I moved here that I just walked around town, looking what's there and I found some really nice stores. A nice spices store, a photo shop with a very nice and knowledgeable owner, a very cool Indian clothes store and a very well stocked art and crafts and office supply store. I think it's unbelievable that it took me three months to take the first real tour of the land. But at least I did it. Now I know a little better what are the things I can expect to find here and that there are some really nice people here. I knew in theory I guess but did't check it yet. I was too absorbed in my life and too busy at work to actually pay attention to my surrounding but, if I moved out of the big city into this small community, I better start getting to know where I am. As I am finding out, we gave up a lot of convenience to live here, so I better enjoy the good stuff of this small community.

I am thankful I finally ventured out of my comfort zone and into the "great unknown" of the place I live. I am thankful I found some really nice places and got some interesting stuff. I am thankful my daughter is back home and I got to spend few hours with her. I am thankful for a good day.

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