Sunday, August 18, 2013

Celebrating day light

Day 941 - I had to be very early at work today so living so far away I had to wake up at 5:20 and at 6 am I was already at the train station. I didn't want to wake up my daughter so early to drop me off so I walked to the station. I didn't do it in a very long time, the early morning walk and the waking up so early and seeing the day waking up and it was a real pleasure doing it again. I think I might start doing it now. I started leaving late since my boyfriend and my daughter both started later and it was easier with one car to go all of us together. But he moved out last week already so we are not on the same schedule anymore and I can walk to the train station so I think I will start doing it more often. Maybe even every day. I enjoyed the early morning hours and the extra bonus was that I came back home still in day light. I could sit on my porch and read for two hours! I don't remember when was the last time I did that. The book is amazing but I'll talk about it some other time; today I am celebrating something that goes so much better with my natural biological clock. to enjoy day light and celebrate a fuller day.
I am thankful for this early morning wake up; for a wonderful walk in the still chill air before the heat becomes unbearable. I am thankful for celebrating day light again in my life, both literally and figuratively. I am thankful for a very good read I enjoyed today. And I am thankful that at 11:30 at night I am already going to sleep. Good night.

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