Sunday, August 25, 2013

A seat saver

Day 948 - A friend at work told me last week about an interesting invention she just saw; a cover for car seats so they won't get wet. It probably doesn't sound like something very interesting to you, but we live in a hot country stretched along the sea and coming back from the beach all wet is part of our daily life in the summer. And so trying to keep the car seats dry is something we put a lot of thought into. Usually you deal with that by sitting on a towel, preferably folded few times. But if the ride is long and the swim suit really wet we still might have a wet seat the next day, just wet enough to leave a mark on the nice shirt or dress you wear to work the next day. In short, a wonderful invention and so I asked her to buy me one just to retreat not asking for two as soon as I saw that little thing today. But, I am happy even with one. Just yesterday coming back from the beach we had to try to walk off some of the wetness and we had to use so many towels, and now I have a much easier and more elegant solution. 
I am thankful for this seat saver. I am thankful for all the shirts that won't get wet because my seat will be protected. I am thankful for little and silly inventions that make life so much easier. 

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