Saturday, August 24, 2013

Beach Day

Day 947 - We live very close to the sea but for some reason I don't go there enough. I'm not sure why since it doesn't take any longer then it took me to get to the beach in the city I lived before but for some reason in my mind it's different. But we did go to the beach today. It was a little windy so we were planning that I'll have my first wind surfing lesson, but it was too windy and we could not rent in the club because of that. So we had to scratch that idea and just walk on the beach for an hour or so and sleep in the sun and swim. The nice thing about the Mediterranean is that it's not too cold and so one can stay in the water for a long time and enjoy it. Life along such a sea calls for a very interesting culture around it. Every one in our country from a very young age goes to the beach to play in the sand or wade in the water and as you grow older it becomes more and more part of what you do. Saturday is beach day all summer long. I got out of that habit since I lived abroad for so many years but I sure hope to renew that at least somewhat. But for now I am enjoying a wonderful beach day in a long time and the first one with my partner. It was so much fun!!! going to the beach with a boyfriend - I felt like a teenager again.

I am thankful for a wonderful day on the beach and the first one in the water this year, amazing considering the fact that the summer is almost over. I am thankful to have such a wonderful sea so close to us, calling us to come over and enjoy it. I am thankful for such a great weekend; we really needed some good times after all the turmoil of the past few months. I am thankful we found our way back to each other; I can't even imagine how sad this weekend would have been if we didn't.

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